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Rochelle Berwick

Flexibility Instructor


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Rochelle is an aerialist, dancer, and flexibility coach. She started ballet and rhythmic gymnastics when she was five years old and instantly fell in love with it. At 14, she decided to dedicate all her time to ballet and went on to train and perform professionally with LA Ballet (Los Angeles), Joffrey Ballet (New York City), and Bolshoi Ballet (Moscow). After, Rochelle received her B.A. from San Diego State University and began taking circus classes. She fell in love with the aerial arts and started working as an aerialist and contortionist in 2015. At the same time, she began coaching flexibility classes for circus gyms, a performing arts school, and rhythmic gyms. Now, Rochelle works for a burlesque style circus show, “AirOtic” and coaches flexibility workshops and privates all across the United States. She is based in Vegas but excited to be back at San Diego Circus Center coaching flexibility.



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